Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Studio Toddler Crafting

    The Studio Toddler class has really gotten into a rhythm in our classroom. Our toddlers are anticipating our daily schedule and following routines well. They’ve also been practicing sitting and doing crafts at our tables. This usually involves following directions, which is a skill we practice all year long in the toddler class! Check out some of the crafts we’ve been making so far below.


    C is for Cat:





    My 5 Senses Craft:





    D is for Donut:



  • A, B, C, D – Letter Studies!

    We have been making our way through the alphabet in the toddler room.  Each week we focus on a letter.  We read a letter book, sing letter songs, watch letter videos, hold and count items that begin with the weekly letter, do a letter craft using fine motor skills, and even do a sensory activity focusing on the letter.

    A is for Ant

    B is for Button

    C is for Cat

    D is for Donut

    E is for Eagle

  • C is for Candy Cane!

    This morning the kids used marbles and red paint to make their very own Candy Canes!  Our letter this week is the letter C which made Candy Canes the perfect craft for this time of year!

    candy cane 008