Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Studio Toddler Crafting

    The Studio Toddler class has really gotten into a rhythm in our classroom. Our toddlers are anticipating our daily schedule and following routines well. They’ve also been practicing sitting and doing crafts at our tables. This usually involves following directions, which is a skill we practice all year long in the toddler class! Check out some of the crafts we’ve been making so far below.


    C is for Cat:





    My 5 Senses Craft:





    D is for Donut:



  • Toddler Color Games and Crafts

    An objective in the toddler class is starting to recognize the different colors and shapes. We love implementing different methods of learning these objectives through play! Being able to incorporate gross motor and fine motor into our learning also makes the activities more fun and interactive. Check out some of the activities below!










    In the toddler class, we’ve also been working on our crafts, which entails sitting at the tables, following directions, and taking turns. This is something we have to practice from the start of school, and our little learners have been doing great! Last week we made a “donut” out of the letter “D”!