Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Shape Sorting and Zipping Up the Alphabet!

    Our little learners reviewed all of the shapes they’ve learned throughout the year with some hands on shape activities. One was finding the bug hiding under the shapes. They had to pick the shape I asked them to find and see if the bug was hiding underneath it! They also matched shapes to the underwater animal puzzles. We finished off with a shape collage. We glued each shape one by one as a group.












    We finished off our alphabet with some letter Z activities. Zoo is for Zoo animals–washing zoo animals! We also did a Z is for Zipper activity. Each student picked a pouch with a zipper and found what was inside and then sorted the surprise inside by color!












  • Triangles have three sides!

    We have counted the sides of a triangle many times in the toddler room in October!  We made triangles with popsicle sticks, created triangle owl art, played at the easel center with contact paper and triangles, and glued triangle collages.  Stay tuned for the shape of the month in November!


  • Triangles

    This month we are learning about the triangle.