Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Studio Toddlers Rainbow + St. Patty’s Day Fun!

    We had a colorful time studying the rainbow during the month of March. Check out some of our rainbow activities below:

    Cereal color sort







    Ribbon Rainbows!





    Rainbow watercolor name painting




    Finally, a rainbow obstacle course for some indoor recess!



    To celebrate St. Patty’s Day, we made shamrock wands and talked about the color green





    We made our letter V is for Vase letter craft and during whole group we sorted flowers by color and put them in a vase of our own!






  • Colors of the Rainbow

    March was not only about the color green, but we also studied the rainbow! We talked about how a rainbow is made and which colors make up the rainbow. Below you can see all of the rainbow color sorting we did! Sorting by color is a skill we incorporate a lot with our toddler learners. It practices color recognition and matching.















    Some of the toys in our centers and sensory bins were also rainbow-themed. We love to see them learning through play!










    Of course we had to do some rainbow art projects. We read the book “What Makes a Rainbow” by Betty Schwartz and then made our own rainbow using ribbon and a fluffy cloud. This was a challenging art project for our little learners and they did an excellent job with it!











    Some other rainbow art projects:






  • Pre-writing and Rainbow Fine Motor

    “S” is for “Skittles”! We built our letter “S” with skittles to use as a new item to practice our pre-writing skills. They all did a great job and got to eat a couple of the non-handled skittles 😊







    We worked on fine motor skills by beading the different colors of the rainbow onto pipe cleaners to make a rainbow bracelet!