Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Names, Names, and more Names!

    This week in Early 3s its been all about names. On Friday during small groups name recognition took things to a new level. We practiced our fine motor muscles while pinching clips. This is great practice for our fingers and classroom routines. At our centers in the room there are signs with clothespins (clips) for the number of friends allowed to play there. This is a big piece of independence in the Early 3s program. By practicing the action of pinching a clip in multiple ways the students are set up for success when trying to use them independently.




  • I can do The Preschool Flip!

    A great way to support independence at school and home is teaching your preschooler ways to take care of themselves. Ownership of tasks and responsibilities helps a little one feel proud and accomplished. Everyone should have received a magnet today with the steps of The Preschool Flip. Ask your preschooler to show you how to put their coat on, they are all very proud!




    After practicing The Preschool Flip we learned how to hang up our coats. We search for a Magic Loop and hang our coat around the yellow hook. Then we hang up our backpack on the bigger hook. This keeps our coats and backpacks from falling off the cubbies.



  • Fire Drill Practice






  • Creating our Learning Atmosphere

    Today we focused on learning the procedures and routines of our classroom to set up a successful school year and positive learning atmosphere. During whole group we used sequencing cards to learn and review what to do while playing in a center. At small group time we used sequencing cards for how to wash our hands and what we do when we arrive at school in the morning. Establishing routines is crucial for a smooth classroom environment!

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  • Entering the World of Preschool!

    Welcome to Preschool! We have been working on procedures, routines, and adjusting to the new classroom environment.


    Every morning, we answer our Question of the Day on the smartboard before choosing a center for free choice.

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    The rain may have kept us indoors but the weather didn’t stop our fun! We worked on our gross motor inside on the balance beam and slide.

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    During small groups we practiced how to hold our crayon with our thumb and pointer fingers pinching the top of the crayon. We learned about and traced circles while strengthening our fine motor muscles.


    Also during small groups we explored our Handwriting Without Tears program.



    At the end of our morning we stretched our bodies and relaxed our minds during yoga. What pose was your favorite??

  • First Day of Pre-K

    We have been long awaiting this day and it has finally come!  Our Pre-ker’s had a great first day of school.  We reviewed the procedures and routines of our classroom through sequencing activities to get us reacquainted.  We can’t wait for a great year!

    What do we do when we arrive at school?

    What do we do when we arrive at school?
