Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Zoo, Ocean, and Pond

    The toddlers used their senses to explore and learn about zoo animals this week.  The distance learning packet included a one to one correspondence mat for sorting animal crackers, animal masks to use during their classroom live zoom,  Z is for Zebra materials to complete the alphabet, and zoo animal movement activity cards!


    Our ocean study included a cupcake wrapper craft, sorting goldfish by color, a video recording of the book Swimmy, and some “growing” ocean animals to place in the sensory tub of water.

    The distance packets this week also included five little ducks for retelling the song, materials to make a frog craft, and lily pads for hopping to engage our toddlers in learning about pond animals.

    We rounded out the year by sending home rainbow waterbeads, toddler trail mix suggestions, lacing necklace materials, name building materials, and paint to complete the end of year personalized color book!


    Thank you to all the parents for helping us to help your toddlers grow and learn.  Thumbs up to year full of learning, fun, and smiles!