Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Exploring Our Classroom!

    The Studio Toddler class has done such a wonderful job adjusting to their new routine and getting to know their friends and classroom. We have several different centers that our students can play in during their free choice time, as well as table activities that relate to our monthly objectives. See some of their exploring in the photos below!

    Table Activity: Yellow Playdough

    Sensory Station

    Trains and Transportation

    Home living/Dramatic Play

    Playground Adventures


    While our friends are still getting used to our classroom environment, we have been pulling students on an individual basis to do art projects. When we start learning our small group routine, these will be some of the types of projects we will complete in small groups, and some we will still work on individually with each student.

    “A is for Alligator” letter craft



    Yellow Lemon Print Craft





  • Lemonade, Alligators, and Circles!

    We have been focusing on the color yellow in the toddler room this month.  Our sensory tub is filled with fun items to “make lemonade”.  We are creating with yellow play dough and  yellow collage free art.

    We created an alligator out of the letter A for our letter focus this week.  Add eyes and teeth….Chomp!

    “A circle goes around and around”… is the song we sing as we make a circle collage.

  • A, B, C, D – Letter Studies!

    We have been making our way through the alphabet in the toddler room.  Each week we focus on a letter.  We read a letter book, sing letter songs, watch letter videos, hold and count items that begin with the weekly letter, do a letter craft using fine motor skills, and even do a sensory activity focusing on the letter.

    A is for Ant

    B is for Button

    C is for Cat

    D is for Donut

    E is for Eagle