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  • K Prep Reading Groups: Dr. Seuss Style

    Lorax, Lorax what do you see?


  • The Lorax…How can WE help our earth?

    On Tuesday the K Prep students continued their Dr. Seuss study with another popular book, The Lorax. We learned how important it is to take care of OUR earth and some simple ways to help keep it healthy. We started by planting a green bean seed and learned how to take care of it so it grows healthy and strong.

  • Dr. Seuss Week!

    We had a blast this week celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday! Each day we chose one of his books to focus our lessons and snacks around. These books included: Horton Hears a Who, The Lorax, Wacky Wednesday, Hop on Pop, and The Cat in the Hat.


    Monday: Horton Hears a Who

    We made our own snack to represent the clover Horton carries!

    Tuesday: The Lorax 

    We planted green bean seeds in our Lorax cups!

    Fine motor truffula trees

    Truffula seeds (aka Trix cereal) for snack!

    Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday

    The kids and teachers dressed “wacky” for the day, even the classroom was “wacky”!

    Coloring under the tables… How wacky!

    “Wacking” specific letters with a fly swatter!

    Wacky Wednesday snack:  jell-o that appears to be red koolaid! We tricked them all!

    Thursday: Hop on Pop

    We practiced our rhyming skills by hopping on words that rhymed and trying to pop the bubble wrap!

    Popcorn snack!

    Friday: Cat in the Hat

    Dr. Seuss sensory tubs!