Our PreSchool Blog

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  • 10 Apples Up On Top

    We read the story 10 Apples Up On Top by Dr. Seuss and listened to the song version by Jason Mraz.  The toddlers had so much fun balancing apples, counting apples, picking apples, sorting apples, bobbing for apples, creating apple crafts, and peeling apples.



    Pretend apple pie!

  • The Apple Pie Tree

    We had so many delicious apples left over from yesterday’s sorting activity we decided to put them to good use.  After reading the book, The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall the students sliced apples, followed a recipe and made their own Apple Crisp.  After cooking their delicious creations, the children enjoyed them as a snack!  Cooking with children is a wonderful way to practice following directions, build basic math skills. sequencing, hand-eye coordination, and building fine motor muscles.