Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Things may look a little different this year . . .

    We have been working diligently all summer to advance our curriculum this year.  With the teachers now returning from their continuing education conferences and various workshops across the country this summer, they are bursting with ideas.  As always, our focus on creating the ideal learning environment by inspiring by good functional color and design has us implementing yet another vision of what we think children should be surrounded by in order to instill creativity in academics.  This means a facelift to many of our regular areas.  In fact, we have had many of our returning students drop by to take a look around this summer.  At Tots, we are always happy to see our students take an interest in the process of learning.  Even if it means just grabbing a paint brush and helping out with some of the remodeling.  Its amazing how quickly skills develop in the kids that are given an opportunity.