Our PreSchool Blog

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  • K Prep Reading Adventure Begins!

    Our early reading adventure began in K Prep this week. The focus during reading groups was how to use their “Magic Reading Finger.” Why do we have children use their finger to track the words while they read? The reason for this practice is because our eyes naturally follow movement, placing a finger, on a page and strategically moving it down the text, a reader will naturally keep their place and be more focused. This helps readers concentrate and understand what they read.

    The book we started off with was, I JUMP, by Bruce Larkin.  This book introduced us to the sight words “the” and “I.”  By the end of the week we were able to identify the sight words we knew as well as use the first reading strategy we learned (use the picture to give us a clue about an unknown word).  The students did a WONDERFUL job!


  • K Prep April Math Study

    Hands-on activities in math are vital for young learners. Using hands-on activities in math helps children to take an active part in their learning. Using hands-on lessons in our K prep classroom allows our students to use a variety of senses which encompasses all different types of learning styles (and makes learning fun!!) Creating an environment where children get to explore and master skills is so vital. Introducing addition and subtraction into our classroom allows the kids to “play” with the concept and hear the vocabulary they will hear in a more formal way in Kindergarten and 1st grade building an early foundation for them to build on through the year.

  • Playing with Patterns!

    Learning patterns is a crucial foundational math skill upon which many other mathematical concepts are built on. Our preschool prep class has begun patterning and did such a great job!

    We started with the basic concept of extending a pattern similar to ABABA… and they were to add what comes next. We will continue to work on patterns such as AABBAA… and work our way into even trickier patterns by the end of the month 🙂









  • Building Fluency through Buddy Reading


  • Adventures in Reading




  • Pond Habitat Squishy Bag

    The K Prep students have been learning all about the pond habitat this month. We finished up the unit by creating a pond habitat to take home.


  • Math Study in K Prep




  • K Prep Reading Groups & Word Work

    Early literacy skills benefit our students in a variety of ways. Reading in the early years supports kindergarten readiness, but early literacy skills builds a foundation for future academic success and overall achievement. We begin your child’s reading journey in our K Prep classroom each year. Our goal is to create a strong foundation in early literacy for them to build on throughout many years ahead.







  • K Prep Adventures in Reading

    Our early reading adventure began in K Prep last week. The focus last week was how to use their “Magic Reading Finger.” Why do we have children use their finger to track the words while they read? The reason for this practice is because our eyes naturally follow movement, placing a finger, on a page and strategically moving it down the text, a reader will naturally keep their place and be more focused. This helps readers concentrate and understand what they read making reading a more satisfying experience.  They did a wonderful job!


  • K Prep Math Study: Number Sense

    Number sense is an emerging construct that refers to a child’s fluidity and flexibility with numbers and what numbers mean. Number sense develops gradually over time and at different rates, through exploring numbers, visualizing them in a variety of contexts. Our focus last week was the number six.