Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Pond Habitat Squishy Bag

    The K Prep students have been learning all about the pond habitat this month. We finished up the unit by creating a pond habitat to take home.


  • Pumpkin Exploration!

    The afternoon preschool class explored a pumpkin this week! We measured it and talked about its characteristics (inside and out) using our 5 senses! The students took turns getting their hands dirty and pulling out some of the pumpkin seeds.  We ended up roasting those seeds and eating them for snack!

  • Feeling like Fall!

    From candy corn art and letter building, to leaf sorting, to spider web letter identification, to pumpkin seed letter matching… Fall is officially in full swing in the Preschool room!


  • Science Study: Habitats

    We have been talking about habitats in Preschool! This week we spent some time focusing on specific habitats such as; the desert, ocean, grasslands, and arctic. The kids had fun sorting some animals into their correct habitats! We discussed what each animal needed from their environment, and if they would be able to survive elsewhere.

  • Science and Friendship

    In a fun preschool lesson this week, science and friendship collide! The kids learned that we could mix colors to create new ones! We tied this lesson in with this month’s character theme: friendship. Each child met a new friend as we conducted the experiment.  We talked about how we are all beautiful on our own, but when we form new friendships, something beautiful comes out of it (aka the new color created!).

  • Let’s Go to the Zoo!

    This week our activities revolved around the zoo…From letters and numbers to crafts and science lessons!

    To help us with correct scissor grip, we put smiley face stickers on our thumbs. The goal is to keep our thumbs to the sky, always looking to see that smiley face!

  • Bug Week

    This week was “bug week”! Each day the students learned about a different bug. All of the activities and snacks for the day revolved around that specific bug!  Check out these thematic lessons below!

    Measuring with gummy worms

    At group time, I demonstrated how a bee goes from flower to flower drinking their nectar and collecting pollen to bring back to the bee hive.

    I then had the kids hold out their hands to act as flowers.

  • Children’s Museum Center Visits K Prep

    How Does Your Garden Grow?

    What does a plant look like? What does it need to grow? We learned about the parts of a plant, the plant life cycle and the difference between fruits and vegetables during a visit from the Cincinnati Museum Center. We rolled up our sleeves and spent some time digging in the dirt and planted our own seed to take home to add to our growing garden!


  • Cool Critters Outreach Shares their Love for Animals with the K Prep Class





  • Winter Months in Preschool!

    We have stayed busy in the PM Preschool room this winter! From acting out winter literature, to learning about arctic animals… the kids are having a blast and of course, learning a lot!

    Arctic animal bingo!

    We focused in on the penguin for our science day! The kids learned that penguins have a layer of blubber to keep them warm. To help them understand this concept, we did an experiment to show the kids what blubber feels like for the penguins! We had two ice cold bowls of water. One bowl had a bag of coconut oil in it, to act as the blubber. They put one hand in each bowl and decided that the bowl with pretend blubber kept them warmer!

    We then put a block between our legs so we could waddle like penguins!

    We counted goldfish into the penguins belly’s!

    5 Little Snowmen Readers Theatre!

    Building shapes and open ended creations with toothpicks and marshmallows.

    Letter building with “O” shaped cereal

    Getting ready to count and build our towers

    Getting our bodies involved on a cold winter day, with a gross motor shape hunt!

    Melted snowman art!

    Counting out “snowballs” with tongs for a fine motor addition!

    Hand Strength and cutting practice