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  • Finishing Up Our “Bug” Theme

    Last week we finished off our bug theme with some fun small groups:

    {group #1}

    In this group, the children worked on their fine motor skills and transfer skills. They had to be “bees” putting honey (colored water in a cup) into their “honeycombs” (bowl) using little droppers.

    {group #2}

    In this group, we kept our bug theme by having the children review their letters via swatting bugs. Ms. Diana would tell them a letter to look for, and when they found it they had to hit it with a fly swatter.

    {group #3}

    This group did not follow the bug theme…but it helped the children practice their number recognition skills. Ms. Kate would say a number, and they would have to locate the number and stamp it with the dot stamper. There were multiple prints of each number, so they would have to locate them all and stamp them all with the same color stamper.