Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Winter Months in Preschool!

    We have stayed busy in the PM Preschool room this winter! From acting out winter literature, to learning about arctic animals… the kids are having a blast and of course, learning a lot!

    Arctic animal bingo!

    We focused in on the penguin for our science day! The kids learned that penguins have a layer of blubber to keep them warm. To help them understand this concept, we did an experiment to show the kids what blubber feels like for the penguins! We had two ice cold bowls of water. One bowl had a bag of coconut oil in it, to act as the blubber. They put one hand in each bowl and decided that the bowl with pretend blubber kept them warmer!

    We then put a block between our legs so we could waddle like penguins!

    We counted goldfish into the penguins belly’s!

    5 Little Snowmen Readers Theatre!

    Building shapes and open ended creations with toothpicks and marshmallows.

    Letter building with “O” shaped cereal

    Getting ready to count and build our towers

    Getting our bodies involved on a cold winter day, with a gross motor shape hunt!

    Melted snowman art!

    Counting out “snowballs” with tongs for a fine motor addition!

    Hand Strength and cutting practice

  • Creating Self-Portraits in K Prep

    Have you ever watched your child as they peer at their own reflection in a mirror?  Your K Prep age children often try out silly faces and engage in dialogue with themselves. They may begin to see them identifying parts of their faces, examining differences between themselves and others, identifying shapes and contours, and engaging in more advanced thinking and questioning. Through exploring their own reflection in the mirror, children are learning a great deal about themselves and are developing their observational, expressive and reflective skills as well as a positive relationship with themselves. These self-portraits will be displayed at the art show in March!

  • Valentine’s Day Parties in the Toddler Room

    We had such a great time the past two days celebrating Valentine’s Day.  We invited families in to help deliver Valentines, decorate cookies, and share special music time with Ms. Joanie.








  • Winner of the 2018 Most Loved Preschool by Hulafrog

    We are humbled by the number of votes that were cast to help earn us Most Loved Preschool Award 2018 from Hulafrog. Thank you to all of our amazing families past and present for continuing to spread the word and support us. Year two of this award makes us feel loved!

  • Pajamas, Pancakes, and “P” is for Pig

    P is a fun letter to study.  We had pajama days, ate pancakes, played in the pink sensory tub,

    and created a pig out of the letter P.  



  • Jazzed About January

    We had so much fun in the Toddler room this month!  Focusing on the color white – we made sparkle white playdough, had white food for snack, and created white collage art.  Triangles are the shape of the month this January.  We used hands-on manipulatives (craft sticks and pretzel sticks) to create triangles and practiced with glue sticks to create a class mural of triangles.  Our study of polar animals led to some yummy snacks, a fun obstacle course through the arctic circle, matching animals, songs, stories, and fun!