Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Field Trip to the Post Office!

    We have introduced a mailbox to our writing center!  Students have been practicing writing letters to friends in our classroom.  In small groups we all wrote a letter to home and took a walk to the post office next door to mail our letters!





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  • Our Classroom Writing Center


    Miss Andrea found an awesome mailbox to add to our classroom writing center!


    She showed us how to write notes to friends in our class, seal an envelope, and mail it for delivery!

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    We have really liked using all the different writing tools to create notes and pictures.

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  • I Can Be Anything!

    Today we read the book  I can be anything! by Jerry Spinelli. The boys and girls favorite page was to be a puddle stomper! In dramatic play the children can dress up to be bakers or pretend to be a mommy or daddy and take care of babies. We love to use our imagination! IMG_0904 IMG_0906 IMG_0908 IMG_0909 IMG_0912 IMG_0914 IMG_0915 IMG_0919 IMG_0924 IMG_0927 IMG_0929 IMG_0931 IMG_0932 IMG_0933

  • Fine-Motor in Preschool Prep

    Building our fine-motor skills through art and academics:









  • Up and Down

    IMG_0815 IMG_0816 IMG_0817 IMG_0819 IMG_0821 IMG_0824 IMG_0825 IMG_0826 IMG_0827 IMG_0830 IMG_0832 IMG_0835 This month during group time we are talking about Up and Down! We used the scarves to practice making them go up and down and up and down. Moving and dancing with the scarves is lots of fun!

  • Numbers, Numbers and More Numbers!

    This week the K-Prep class continued learning about numbers! We practiced counting (0-20), number formation, and putting numbers into the correct order.

    We also read the book “Snappy Little Numbers”, which was a fun and interactive way to practice counting!









  • One to One Correspondence

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    We are hard at work with our fine motor skills in the Preschool room.  We used all types of tongs to count out frogs and hop them onto their lily pads!

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  • Preschool Yoga Enrichment


     Yoga practice at an early age encourages self-esteem and body awareness with a physical activity that’s noncompetitive. Fostering cooperation and compassion—instead of opposition—is a great gift to give our children.  Children derive enormous benefits from yoga.

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    Physically, it enhances their flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness. In addition, their concentration and sense of calmness and relaxation improve!

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  • We Have Tadpoles!

    We are learning all about the pond habitat this month in K Prep!  This week we are learning about the life cycle of a frog.  We watched a video, worked together to put the stages in order, and then we even made our own frog life cycles!

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    Since we are learning so much about frogs, we of course had to have our very own tadpoles to watch as they go from tadpole to frog!  We learned that tadpoles have to live in the water just like fish and they breathe with gills!  We loved seeing them swim in their bowl.

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  • Learning the Clip System

    Have you ever walked into our classroom and noticed colorful clothespins around the room? In Preschool Prep, children are introduced to the clip system, and they will take this skill with them into Preschool and K-Prep. When they want to play at a center, they look to see if there are any clips available in that center. If there is a clip for them, they can clip it on to the bottom of their shirt and begin playing. If there are no clips left, that means that the center is “full,” and they need to choose a different center. This system keeps our play-based learning organized and allows the children to experience everything that they can while playing at a center –without the chaos of having a large group of children being in the same center. Check out some of the children learning through play! (..and notice the clips on their shirts!) 




    As we learn the clips system, we are also working on our fine motor skills! Opening clothespins strengthens the muscles in their little fingers and prepares them for writing!




