Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Hawaiian Sea Turtles

    We have been learning about the green sea turtle during our study of hawaii.  We had the opportunity to watch baby sea turtles hatch, dig their way out of their nest and scurry to the open sea!








  • Learning our Names

    This week we introduced names and handwriting skills during small groups. These cards will be used every morning as daily practice. Ask your preschooler what they learned about how to hold the marker or where to start the letter!





  • First week in Early 3’s!

    We had so much fun this week in our Early 3’s class! We were able to explore our centers, meet new friends, and begin to learn how our classroom works! We loved using our fine motor skills in the manipulatives center, as well as when we washed the babies in the sensory tub! The transportation center was a favorite, especially when we were allowed to make train sounds! Look at all the fun we had!

    Using water to wash the babies in the sensory tub!
    Snack time!
    Snack time!
    Taking care of the babies in the Dramatic Play center
    Hard at work at the work bench!

  • Welcome to the Toddler Room!

    We had a great first week of school in the Toddler Room! We were so excited to explore all of the fun new toys and centers throughout the room. The boys and girls spent part of  their day practicing sitting for group time and listening to a story! They loved the book 10 Little Rubber Ducks by Eric Carle. The children enjoyed pushing the “quack” button at the end of the story! The Toddlers had a great start to the week and are already transitioning smoothly into their new environment!






  • Yoga Relaxation

    Yoga Kids by Marsha Wenig is a great book for guiding preschoolers through poses and relaxation. A lot of our daily yoga relaxation is based off the fun ideas in this book.


    Today we stretched our bodies while channeling our inner surfer! We pretended to ride the waves of Hawaii.


    Ask your preschooler to teach you Bunny Breath, you will be sure to see a very scrunched up nose! This is how we get oxygen to our brains to help us during yoga.




  • Creating our Learning Atmosphere

    Today we focused on learning the procedures and routines of our classroom to set up a successful school year and positive learning atmosphere. During whole group we used sequencing cards to learn and review what to do while playing in a center. At small group time we used sequencing cards for how to wash our hands and what we do when we arrive at school in the morning. Establishing routines is crucial for a smooth classroom environment!

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  • Exploring Foods of Hawaii







    Not sure about this one...

  • Building our Names

    We prepared for one of our daily homework activities today in small groups.  Becoming successful writers begins with our very own names.  We focused on using an uppercase first letter and lowercase letters for the remaining letters in our name.  It’s time to transition to lowercase letters in our writing.  Please put this into practice during this activity at home.  Your child’s homework folders will be coming home in their backpacks next week.



  • Our Classroom Library

    Where can you blast off into outer space, explore new worlds, meet important people from the past, dive deep into the depths of the oceans and swim with a humpback whale or alongside an ancient sea turtle?  The classroom library!  Our small groups took us to the classroom library today as we learned about all the different books that are available to read during free choice time.  It’s one of the favorite gathering spots in our classroom during the school year.

    You can become anything you dream in of in a good book!

    You can become anything you dream in of in a good book!

  • Entering the World of Preschool!

    Welcome to Preschool! We have been working on procedures, routines, and adjusting to the new classroom environment.


    Every morning, we answer our Question of the Day on the smartboard before choosing a center for free choice.

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    The rain may have kept us indoors but the weather didn’t stop our fun! We worked on our gross motor inside on the balance beam and slide.

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    During small groups we practiced how to hold our crayon with our thumb and pointer fingers pinching the top of the crayon. We learned about and traced circles while strengthening our fine motor muscles.


    Also during small groups we explored our Handwriting Without Tears program.



    At the end of our morning we stretched our bodies and relaxed our minds during yoga. What pose was your favorite??