Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Scissor Skills

    Does your child use scissors at home?  We have been learning all about scissor safety and how to use and hold scissors in preschool.

    1st… Safety!

    • We never use scissors on anything except for paper or another material that is provided by a teacher.
    • When walking with scissors, we hold the metal part in our hands so that if we were to fall, we are safe.
    • we never point scissors at anyone

    Tips for Holding and Using Scissors

    • Out thumb goes in the little hole and our other fingers go in the bigger hole.
    • Our thumb stays up, we don’t want to flip our hands over when cutting.
    • We try and keep our elbow down and by our side, while focusing on turning the paper, now our arm!

    We are working hard on this skill and our goal is to have this skill mastered by mid-winter!!