Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Small Groups: Phonics Study

    Our phonics study continued today in K Prep as we chose items out of the mystery box and placed them on the letter that corresponded to the beginning sound for some groups and the ending sound for others.  Keep practicing at home!










  • Number Formation!

     This week in math, the K-Prep class worked on making their numbers using the correct formation!  We sang fun number poems to help us, which can be found in the students’ homework binders.  Throughout the week we built on this skill of forming numbers, while trying to accommodate many learning styles!

    The students traced tactile yarn numbers with their fingers, drew numbers in sand trays, and traced dotted numbers using dry and erase markers! A dry and erase writing activity is also found in the homework binder.  You can never get too much practice!

    What a fun and busy week of learning!


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  • Pond Habitat!

    This month is all about the Pond Habitat and we are learning so much!  We learned that ponds are bodies of water surrounded by land and are filled with rain water.  The animals that we will be learning about this month were also introduced; frogs, ducks, beavers, and this week’s focus, the box turtle!


     Most of us have seen a turtle before and so in our small groups we talked about what we already knew about turtles!  We read the story Box Turtle at Long Pond and we learned so many new facts about turtles that we added to our list!


    I would say we are quite the turtle experts now!
